What To Expect If You Date: A Virgo

Geplaatst op 03-02-2025

Categorie: Lifestyle

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GOOD THINGS: reduced medical bills and visits (Virgo’s are full time doctors/nurses); clean and organized home; healthy diet; lots of trips to the gym; never late with taxes; balanced bank account; surprisingly thrilling sex life; always up to date with current news and events; they have high standards, which probably makes you raise your game; forces you to be on time; life will be predictable and balanced;  they won’t require much from you, as they tend to be self sufficient;  you will find yourself more calm, predictable, settled, and, perhaps, boring.

BAD THINGS: you don’t want to live a “calm”, “predictable”, and “settled” life; will find yourself competing with their other love—their job; spontaneity may be a word never ever used in your relationship; they appear to be the perfect, charming partner, but deep down something is missing; their digestive system is so delicate you will find their diet to be borderline hospital food type material; their allergies will annoy the shit out of you; their chronic health problems will make them seem like a walking Mayo Clinic; they live in their own head so much that you won’t ever have access to their thoughts seeing as they often forget to communicate what they are thinking (or just plain refuse to share); you love them so much, yet you just can’t figure out why; they may symbolize the Virgin Maid in astrology, but sometimes you think they should just be called the Old Maid; their perfectionist tendencies can make you feel inadequate for having a blemish; they won’t want to settle down and give up their bachelor ways until well into their 30s (warning: Virgo’s who marry before 30 tend to suffer a higher divorce rate).

DATE THEM IF YOU: enjoy mental discussions and word play; like to work hard and long hours and need a partner who respects (or mimics) your lifestyle; need a partner who is financially conservative and good at saving money; enjoy dry humor and surprisingly off-color comments; need consistency and routine in your life; have a lot of medical problems or phobias, and need an on-call doctor for medical attention and advice; are inspired by someone who is uber philosophical and always seeking self improvement; don’t mind that they can change their mind (when they care to share with you what is on it) every 5 minutes or so; enjoy being with someone who is always put together in a classy, fashionable way; like having an intensely sexual bedroom life, unbeknownst to the speculation of others who think you only do it missionary style.


It may seem as if Virgos are all boring as f**k fuddy-duddies.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  Virgos can surprise you at the most random moments, throwing out very witty comments and insights, or pouncing on you for an evening of erotica. The thing is you just never know what you are going to get with them—mostly because they keep their thoughts so private, that you really don’t have an insight into what they are thinking or feeling until they do it.  It seems odd that a sign that is so “predictable” can be so “unpredictable”, doesn’t it?  The truth is that Virgos are predictable in their own self imposed routines (work, gym, diet, leisure time), but unpredictable in their feelings, especially when it comes to love.  It takes a LOT for a Virgo to truly fall in love.  They have to let go of the windmills of their mind, so to speak, to allow their inside chatter to cease long enough for their heart to be able to speak up.

The good news is that a Virgo who truly loves is also truly loyal and supportive.  A decision to commit to a person, or anything else (job, home, business venture, etc), has been a carefully evaluated and thought-out process.  By the time they make their decision, they have already been living it out in their mind for years (kind of like the theory of “Inception”—5 minutes in one level of unconsciousness is like 5 years in the next level).

Female Virgos aren’t single all that often.  Men are attracted to their put-together attitude, their solid financial status, and their ability to shoot-the-shit with the guys.  More importantly, female Virgos HATE being single.  They tend to always have a man in their life, sometimes only for the companionship.  It doesn’t “look good” to be a single woman.  They crave love and constantly strive to achieve that lofty status of “happily ever after.”  If they don’t check themselves, however, they can end up settling for the man that looks perfect on paper, rather than the man that is perfect for them.  This can lead to a rather unhappy marriage that they will find hard to walk away from because Mr. Perfect on Paper provides them the balance and security they need. And isn’t that enough to sustain a life together?? That would be the $60 million question…

Male Virgos, in contrast, are the perpetual bachelor.  Commitment terrifies them because it forces them to pull their attention away from their career or private thoughts.  They prefer to be hermits and focus on a specific goal, and falling in love is too dangerous a game for them.  GASP, they would have to SHARE their private thoughts. Imagine!  Ironically, male Virgo’s have a certain je ne sais quoi about them that women LOVE.  They are charming, manly, and humble all at once.  They speak slowly, appear to be modest, and typically, come off as a martyr.  Women want to coddle and cuddle their Virgo man, hoping that if they do that, the Virgo man will give her the key to his mind.  Women love a good game, and what better game to play than to figure out the trappings of the Virgo male mind?  It must also be sad that the Virgo male, infinitely locked in his own head, is always searching for his ideal/perfect woman.  Unlike a female Virgo who will settle for perfect on paper, a male Virgo won’t settle until he finds perfect in real life.  Problem is, does that really exist?  And, if it does, how scary is it to go after what you really want?

Male or female, Virgo’s should hold off on marriage and commitment until they are older and more balanced.  It is at their stage of maturity (mid to late 30s) that they truly understand who they are and what they want from life.